African Mahogany

Attractive versatile redwood of world wide reputation

Typical red-brown heartwood with pale sapwood. Grain straight/interlocked. Mild easily worked timber providing good attractive finishes. A wood of great versatility.

KNOWN AS: Khaya ivorensis; K., anthotheca, (Dry Zone Mahogany K., grandifoliola regarded as separate commercial species) = K. Ivorensis: Acajou D’Afrique, Caoba Del Galon, Dubene, Dubini, Ngollon, Kumankra K. Anthotheca: Ahafo, Akwantannuro, Krala, Krumben, Mangona

WEIGHT: Medium 500kg/m3 at 12-15% moisture content.

USES: veneer, turnery, plywood, mouldings, joinery – high quality, furniture, frames, doors, carvings, cabinet work, boat construction